"Asia's uneven demographic trends" (3/7/2014)
"Graphical illustrations about Vietnam and a reference" (24/5/2014)
"The mask, secrets and contradictions of a Superpower (18/6/2013)"
"美國的政經矛盾:小政府型超級大國? (12/6/2013) "
"中秋 (原名〈盛夏〉,《光暗時空-短篇藝文集》" (30/9/2012)
"Tsunami, personal misfortune and wars: a bilateral expression" (27/7/2012)
"香港的「泛神」政治" (2012年6月24日)
"Comment on "Easy Useless Economics" by Paul Krugman" (13/5/2012)
"答領匯問題 (試用博客刊登文章)" (2012年4月15日)
"光暗時空 - 短篇藝文集" (2011年6月) "封面及封底"
"References for Hong Kong (if we want some form of social harmony)" ( March 2010)
"Full moon - a very rough translation of a famous Chinese poem" (1/11/09)
"Wither the global polity/economy?" (15/9/09)
"An idle Sunday afternoon amidst an economic depression" (21/6/09)
"A new daring game and China's responses" (15 March and 2 April, 2009)
"Violence goes home" (8/3//09)
"Forms of M-Depression and Beyond" (11/2/09)
"The failure of international coordination in managing the financial tsunami"(19/10/08).
"World capitalism: Changing colours"(15/10/08). For a simpler version: HTM.
"Interview by Le Monde on the Financial Crisis"(8/10/08).
"Dialectics and Wisdom" (19/7/08)
"Bear squeeze---Chinese style?" (9/5/08)
"How to save the economy as an irresponsible central bank" (with Addendum) (20/4/08)
"Eyes, heart and soul" (4/9/07)
"Cost-push stagflation as political revenge?" (9/5/07)
"The emperor with clothes and loyalty of his MNCs" (8/2/07)
"The volatile economic environment" (27/12/06)
"The world is interactive, up to a point" (12/10/06)
"God may be Chinese" (23/9/06)
"On demographic window before signing off for my summer vacation" (9/7/06)
"Analogies at large - with apologies to animals" (20/11/05)
"Chinese BBC: first thoughts" (27/7/05) "Addendum: RMB basket at 8.28?" (31/7/05)
"Procedural fairness under test" (13/3/05)
"Exuberance with a cause" (13/3/05)
"The swing of the political pendulum in Hong Kong" (4/3/05)
"My comment about the Greenspan "conundrum"" (3/3/05)
"The end of a raey" (31/12/04) Epilogue (23/1/05)
"From heterogeneity to plurality?" (5/10/04) "由紛雜到多元?香港政治的兩個推測" (3/11//04)
"Surviving in a cultural spiral" (7/9/04)
"Politics: Hong Kong style" (9/5/04)
"Hong Kong on the edge of a slippery path" (1/5/04)
"The superpower and the superpower-to-be" (18/1/04)
"New year ramblings: Universities, industries and politics" (5/1/04)
"Hong Kong: Socioeconomic trends and worries" (31/10/03)
"Buffers for the link: A graphical note" (15/10/03)
"The strengthening of the Hong Kong dollar: A few observations" (1/10/03) "曾澍基就港匯強勢答明報記者問" (4/10/03)
"Hong Kong of China, Hong Kong of the World"
(For a report by Ta Kung Pao of my presentation in Chinese at the seminar, click here.)"On "socialising empowerment"" "論「社會化掌權」" (13/7/03)
"Quality, democracy and policies: a few more words" (9/7/03)
"Half a million on the march" (6/7/03)
"Crisis and leadership change" (19/4/03) "Postscript" (21/4/03)
"Ahead of the Crisis?" (12/4/03) PDF
"Rambling about power, fate and entropy" (17/2/03)
"Nomadic terrorism: concept and technology" (30/12/02)
"The Hong Kong economy: a bilingual guided reader/香港經濟:雙語導讀"(21/7/02)
(For the bilingual reader, a quick guide using extracts of my papers to cut through the rhetoric.)A clarifying note on dual economy (24/6/02)
Dangers ahead! A quad-forum (11/2/02)
"A winter tale" (31/12/01) "An early spring tale" (1/3/02)
Hong Kong's economic malady worsening? (10/12/01)
11 and 17 September 2001 (22/9/01)
"How God sees to it all?" (27/8/01)
"An appreciation of Norway before Alaska" (01/6/01)
Early summer dreams about the "new cold war" (20/5/01)
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